Livestock for Sale

Yearlings & Calves Available

Each year we offer a large selection of feeder steers and heifers from a long line of cows that date back to the mid 50’s when the ranch was 100% Hereford. Over the past 60 years the ranch has adapted its cow herd to meet the changes in our environment and the marketplace. Our goals are to produce a healthy, uniform steer calf that weans 565 lbs. each fall. This animal must perform well in the feedlot as well as on the rail. Likewise, our heifer cows must perform as mothers. We strive to have a mature cow that weights no more than 1250 lbs., can winter on less than a ton of hay and breed back 94-96% in a 50-55 day breeding season. In order to attain these goals we utilize proven key performance indicators ( and the Leachman Cattle of Colorado $Profit™ indexing system.

Depending on the market and buyer demands, steer calves may be conventional or natural, EID or Premise verified.


Feeder Heifers

75% BA,BWF; 25% RA, RWF, HER, & CHAR - Shipped to Centana Feedlot in September, fed on 44 megacal ration until Feb. 10th. Contact Farron Frost @ 406-860-8052 for performance information.

On delivery day, Calves are weighed early AM with a 3% Pencil shrink.


Pay Weight
700-750 lbs.

Ship Date
Feb. 10th

Bred Yearling Heifers

5% BA,BWF; 25% RA, RWF, HER, & CHAR. These heifers have received all their vaccine Shots along with PregGuard. They are developed at Centana Feedlot from September through March and returned to the ranch. The heifers are bred natural service to calving ease composite yearling bulls from Leachman’s Cattle of Colorado. Bulls are turned out May 20th for 45 days. They are ultrasounded August 10th and retested prior to delivery December 1st.


Pay Weight
900 lbs.

Ship Date
Dec. 1st.

Feeder Steers

85% BA,BWF; 15% RA,RWF,HER & CHAR. This group of steer calves is comprised of calves off 1st calf heifers (born in March) and 2nd cycle calves born after April 12th. They are vaccinated at branding with TSV2 and Ultrabac 8. These calves may be natural or given Ralgro depending on buyer request. These calves are weaned in September and backgrounded for 150 days on a 44 MegaCal ration ADG=2.5 For more performance information contact Farron Frost at Centana Feedlot. (406)860-8052


Pay Weight
750-800 lbs.

Ship Date
Feb. 10th

Bawling Steer Calves

90% BA & BWF; 10% RA, RWF,HER & CHAR 1st cycle calves out of our mature cow herd that are summered in short-grass country on our NL Unit (south east end of the ranch) given TSV 2 and Ultrabac 8 at branding, Ralgro may or may not be administered depending on buyer request or market conditions favorable towards a natural calf. This group of steer calf pairs is gathered early am from field adjacent to working corrals; weighed on certified ranch scale with 2% pencil shrink and loaded on buyers trucks by 11 a.m.


Pay Weight
585 lbs.

Ship Date
Oct. 20th

Bawling Steer Calves

This uniform set of steer calves is out of cows ages 3 and up. They were all born in the 1st cycle (March23rd to April 12th) This set of calves is branded and vaccinated in April/May. They receive TSV2 and Ultrabac 8 vaccine. They are summered on native and improved range off the southern slope of the Bear Paw Mountains.

On delivery, they are gathered as pairs in the early am, trailed ½ Mile to the corrals where they are sorted off the cows and weighed on a certified ranch scale. This large group of steer calves is shipped in days. Approximately 300 head per day with 5-10 head cutbacks. Trucks are loaded and on the road by 11:30 a.m.


Pay Weight
565 lbs.

Ship Date
Oct. 21st - 24th